PostalEASE LiteBlue is a telephone enrollment system for enhancing USPS payments for the employees securely and conveniently.
It is a one-stop platform that enables you as USPS employees to make direct deposits (net banking) or access allotment liquidated services. You can access this facility either through a telephone or LiteBlue portal.
The USPS PostalEASE makes it easy for over 600 thousand employees to process their transaction. As a USPS employee, Postal EASE allows you to perform your postal transactions under one roof.
Also, you do not need to open several accounts to perform various tasks such as enrollment to saving plans, paychecks, and accessing direct deposit facilities. This platform comes with features to allow you to accomplish the tasks with ease.
In addition, you can view, review, or reject enrollment in FEHB (Federal Employees Health Benefits) plan on the platform. As a first timer, this article will help you to understand how to use the PostalEASE facility.
PostalEASE Phone Number
As stated, you can access the USPS LiteBlue PostalEASE through two ways:
First, it is accessible through the USPS LiteBlue login portal and second, via telephone. For the telephonic option, you need to call 877-477-3273.
Notably, USPS recognizes the disadvantaged persons. For this reason, it has a separate PostalEASE phone number for deaf people or any other person with hearing problems or disorder. People in this category should call 1-800-877-8339. Both numbers are toll-free.
On the other hand, you can access the postalEASE services via the LiteBlue portal. All you need is to login and go the icon labeled PostalEASE.
Things to Consider Before Calling PostalEASE
As you learned above, PostalEASE services are confidential and secure. Only authorized persons can access them. Therefore, for you to access the USPS LiteBlue PostalEASE services, you require some credentials. The credentials needed depends on the approach you’re using. Basically, you will need the following 3 credentials:
- Social Security Number (SSN)
- PIN (Personal Identification Number)
- USPS employee ID Number
Remember, SSN number is crucial when you opt for telephone services while you will need the USPS employee ID number to login to USPS LiteBlue portal. In case you lost your PIN, you can contact PostalEASE and request a new one. USPS will mail a new PIN in less than ten days.
What you can do with PostalEASE LiteBlue?
The LiteBlue PostalEASE is a one-stop facility that makes it easy for US postal employees to process their transaction easily. As a USPS employee, you can use the PostalEASE LiteBlue gov to accomplish several tasks during the open Thrift Saving Plan (TSP) seasons.
Here are some of them:
- Start your TSP contributions.
- Modify your TSP plan revenue rate. You can determine the amount of cash you want to save and invest in this plan depending on your current situations.
- Terminate or cancel your TSP contributions.
- Enter or change information of your dependents. However, if you’re enrolled to the Self Plus one plan, you need to contact the Human Resource Shared Service Center before changing or adding a family member or a foster child as per the FEHB requirements.
If you’re planning to make net banking transfers or allotments, you will need the following credentials:
- Your account number and its type of account – where you’re transferring or depositing the cash. It can be savings, checking, or another account.
- A 9-digit financial institution routing number. You obtain the number from your financial institution (receiver).
When you complete each transaction, you will hear a confirmation number. You should note this number and keep it in a safe place. The number can act as a reference in case of any discrepancies in future.
Requirements and Steps to Join PostalEASE
Requirements: The first requirement for joining PostalEASE is being a USPS employee. Remember, the facility aims at making the USPS employees work easy. Next, you need several credentials in place.
These are your Social Security Number (SSN), USPS PIN number, a USPS FCU Routing number – the default254075441, and the personal USPS FCU account number.
It is vital to note that your USPS FCU Number should consist of 7 digits with zero in the end for easing the default routing of the automatic deposits.
Steps to register on PostalEASE LiteBlue
Upon meeting the above requirements, the next step is to register on PostalEASE. You will do this by calling 1-877-4PS-EASE or 1-877-3273 and select the PostalEASE menu. Next, you need to submit your SSN number and USPS PIN and follow the instructions until you complete the registration process.
Once you complete the first entries, you will hear other instructions. It is advisable to have your writing and note-taking tools close to you as you will need to write down this information for future references.
Some of the important information you need to note down are confirmation number, date of processing, and the next payday date. This information is vital in case of any PostalEASE issues.
Sometimes, it might be a challenge to do the registration by yourself. If you’re in such a situation, you can contact USPS LiteBlue login portal for online help. Alternatively, you can reach out to a local personnel office and request for assistance. Regardless of the approach, you will need to provide the stated details.
How to Use LiteBlue PostalEASE Allotment
The PostalEASE allotment is one of the features on the USPS LiteBlue postalease portal. It is available and you can access it online. All you need is to log on to On this portal, a dialogue box will pop up requesting for your USPS employee ID number and PIN. When you provide them, the PostalEASE menu will appear.
Certainly, you will need to login again to access the allotment menu. On this menu, you will have an opportunity to change, modify, add or cancel your PostalEASE allotments. Also, you can change your payroll deductions. You check this change by clicking on the liteblue ePayroll icon.
Lastly, you need to prepare your USPS FCU routing number and USPS FCU account number. When done, confirm and save the information.
Final Words
As a word, PostalEASE is a revolutionary approach that easy postal related transactions for USPS employees. It is a one-stop portal for liquidated allotments services. What is amazing is; you can make contributions or cancel your enrollment to TPS plan through a call.
Regardless of USPS holidays, you can still process your transactions online. We hope that this article presented insightful information on PostalEASE LiteBlue.
Now, you know how to register and use the Postal platform to accomplish your direct deposits or net banking. This innovation is one of its kind that every organization across the globe should emulate.
As an employee, you will always admire secure and confidential transactions which is the main objective of the PostalEASE. If you have any question regarding this program or other services in the USPS LiteBlue Login portal, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help you.
Satpal virk says
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Paula Sadler says
You can follow this article to reset or change USPS LiteBlue password.